“Exelement has become indispensable. Our work to best carry out a complete migration from our systems to Visa's will continue for a long time, and Exelement will continue to play an important role.”

Sofia Elofsson
Head of Commercial Operations and Excellence, Tink


When Visa acquired the fintech company Tink in June 2021, it was one of the largest acquisitions of a Swedish startup ever. As a result, all of Tink's various technical systems needed to be synchronized with Visa's infrastructure. This presented a significant challenge, as highlighted by Sofia Elofsson, Head of Commercial Operations and Excellence at Tink:

"We immediately needed to start planning to migrate our CRM systems to Visa's, and for that, we needed expertise that we didn't have in-house. We knew we were facing a period of significant changes, but we didn't know how long we would need this specific expertise. Therefore, it was very fitting to seek consultancy help instead of hiring."

To tackle this complex migration, Tink partnered with Exelement, a consultancy firm specializing in seamless collaboration and high-quality work. The partnership began in August 2022, just a couple of months after the Visa deal was completed, primarily focused on developing Tink's CRM system. However, Exelement's contributions extended beyond technical expertise:

"They have both the technical expertise required, but equally important is that they have a deeper understanding that allows them to challenge our ideas and find even better paths to various solutions."

After nearly two years of collaboration, Exelement has become an integral part of the Tink team, fostering a seamless process and enabling Tink's success during this critical transition period.

"I am the primary contact person for Exelement, but Calle Lindahl and his colleagues Maureen Ljungdahl and Elise Gedda have become part of the larger team, and many reach out directly to them with questions. They don't really feel like consultants, but more like part of the team."

The flexibility and availability of Exelement have been instrumental in ensuring a smooth collaboration, as highlighted by Sofia Elofsson:

"Exelement's assignment for Tink corresponds to half-time, but they are always available. If any questions arise on the days Exelement isn't working with us, they provide immediate feedback when we call. They are very flexible and easy to work with."

As Tink continues its journey to fully integrate with Visa's systems, the partnership with Exelement remains crucial, enabling Tink to leverage external expertise while maintaining a cohesive and collaborative team dynamic.

"Exelement has become indispensable. Our work to best carry out a complete migration from our systems to Visa's will continue for a long time, and Exelement will continue to play an important role."

Through seamless collaboration, high-quality work, and a deep understanding of Tink's needs, Exelement has proven to be an invaluable partner, enabling Tink's success during this transformative period.

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